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Barn Door in Houston's River Oaks! 77098 Zip

Project Notes: The client had an awkward bathroom space connected to the open side of an office area which she wanted to separate without using a clunky door. If a typical swinging door was used it would essentially block the walkway around the desk and serve to frustrate the homeowners when they were entering/leaving the bathroom.

Therefore, the basis of this installation was geared towards separating space without taking away space. To get an idea of what this looked liked you can see the picture below...

As you can see, you can definitely put any door on the wall, but it would really throw off the feng shui and take away much needed space surrounding the door. What the client envisioned was a subtle sliding barn door covering the hallway to the bathroom. This would create the perfect privacy for any family members or guests who didn't want to stare at people whilst leaving the lavatory. The current setup made it very awkward for people to use the restroom and as we all know, nobody wants to make eye contact with anyone after dropping the big one 💩 - family or not.

In addition to this, the client understood that making a barn door "pop" wasn't what they really needed because they didn't want to draw too much attention to that private area. As a result, they decided to make the door the same color as the wall in order to look more natural. The final look of the project turned out beautifully and the client was very happy with her new barn door and covered up space as you can see in the picture below...

This project was very enjoyable to make happen. The door was like putting clothes on a naked person - it really needed it! In all seriousness, the homeowners now have a better space, a blocked off bathroom, and technically another bedroom if they wanted to market their home in such a way. Whether you have a similar setup or not, feel free to fill out our survey on the home page and we'll be sure to get you an estimate.

Until the next project, stay safe and stay tuned 😉...

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