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Benefits of Barn Doors!

Updated: May 27, 2022

One important feature that we usually overlook in our homes is the door. Something so simple, yet overlooked. You pass through a door EVERY SINGLE DAY of your life and that's crazy when you actually put it into perspective.

It's no surprise that installing barn doors in your home or office will completely change the look and feel of a space. We've even seen people change the look of an entire house by putting them strategically throughout their homes. Switching from the traditional look to a more custom barn door can give your room or office a classic look that won't go out of style.

Design/Color Choices

Barn doors tend to work with any room simply because of the design and color choices that are available to you. If you want to make a statement, most clients think that choosing a door with an intricate design is the best way to do it. This is not always true! You can run the risk of overpowering a room with the door. If your personality is more of a "LOOK AT ME!" then an intricate door paired with a loud color will fit you and your style just fine.

On the other hand, if you have more of a subtle temperament then we would suggest choosing a more simple door and then finishing the look off with a color that matches either the room or your particular style.

As it pertains to designs we offer 8-10 main door layouts that work well with most spaces. In terms of colors we can paint/stain your door any color you want. All we would need is the color code and we're good to go.

One last thing: If you are having a problem picking a door design, reach out to us and we'll be able to help you. At Houston barn doors we specialize in not only installing barn doors, but helping clients pick the right look for their space. Make no mistake, if you provide the opening dimensions, we will be able to handle the rest. In the meantime, you should consider the type of barn door you desire for the space...

More Modern or Traditional Look?

Before getting into whether you want a more modern or traditional door, please understand that we can sometimes alter a design to fit your liking if it doesn't venture too far off from what we already build. We mainly stick to 8 styles to prevent bottlenecks in the workflow and to keep our turnaround time to around 7-10 days. This is almost unheard of when it comes to creating handmade items from scratch.

So whether you're looking for a more modern door or a rough traditional looking door, just know that we have the skills to make it happen. Afterwards, rest assured that your door will resemble a piece of art! 

Classic Handmade Barn Doors

In today's economy that's mostly driven by foreign made goods, you will be able to take pride in knowing that you have an American made product that will stand the test of time. The simplicity and timelessness of our barn doors can stand as a conversation piece for years to come. It matches all kinds of style décor and colored interior. It is a perfect match for all rooms and offices. Install it in your room and make your visitors green with envy.

More Benefits of Barn Doors...

We all know that one of the benefits derived from adding a custom barn door to your house is that it helps improve the look of your room, and it gives the entire space an elegant look. You can dress it up with a design or a particular handle.

Apart from the gorgeous look, barn doors will also save a lot of space in your home. This is because the door slides from side to side instead of swinging in the pathway of where most people walk. This helps in eliminating the space that is usually taken up by the regular doors.

In addition to this, barn doors are generally very light once they are installed and can be pushed by a single finger once its sitting on the track. When installed in your home, the sliding nature makes it very easy for homeowners to operate and also beautify the home.

If you are planning to buy new barn doors or planning to update your existing one to a modern style that you desire, you can call the designers at Houston barn doors.

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