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Project: Bypass Madness in EADO! Houston TX (Zip: 77003)

Project comments: The title of this article is a bit of overkill since the owner did better than almost 99% of DIY'ers we've seen attempt this project. So we applaud the effort, but we had to dock them major points for the safety hazard since the door was an accident waiting to happen.

Again, the homeowner did a great job of putting the track up, the only thing they forgot was the header board which screws into the wall studs and acts as a secure anchor point for the rest of the track assembly. The header board setup is standard in ALL of our installations and something we require - ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES!

As you can see from the picture below the header board is missing and the doors were a little too high off of the ground. There were some other minor items but all in all the doors wouldn't have lasted another 6 months without securing the rail to a strong header board.

When we examined the doors it was determined that they were actually too small (width wise) to be used as barn doors. As a result of this the owner had us build him two new doors that would actually cover the entire width of the opening. We also made them a little taller to close the gap at the bottom.

In the end, the project turned out great and the homeowner wants a couple more doors for a baby room and a bedroom. If you find that you need some bypass barn doors or just regular barn doors be sure to fill out the form on our home page and we'll be in touch!

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